Delivery & Returns

We ship within 3 to 5 days. We use Royal Mail Signed For Second Class for most deliveries. Royal Mail aims to deliver in 3 to 5 working days for this service, including Saturdays. If you’d like faster delivery, there’s an option at checkout.

All online sales for vintage items are final. All items on sale are also final sales. New items are returnable or can be exchanged. Items must be returned within 14 days of purchase. All items must be in original condition for a return or exchange to be accepted.

Customers are responsible for any returns or exchanges. We cannot refund the cost of posting items back to us. Please allow up to 5 days for returns or exchanges to be processed. For exchanges, we will send your chosen exchange item according to the shipping conditions above. For refunds, please allow up to 15 days for your account to be credited.

Please send returns and exchanges to the address below.